
We know it: digital transformation is the future of temporary staffing agencies. And the benefits of a well-negotiated digital shift are well known. But have you ever wondered how staffing software can help?


As a partner in the digital transformation of temporary staffing agencies, we know the answer. That is why PRIM Logix software has a whole range of features for your agency. These features make your employees more productive and ensure that your business runs smoothly.


Here I tell you how PRIM Logix improves the efficiency of all employees in the agency. To go further, I have selected four features that illustrate this point.


What do these features have in common?


Each of them responded to a need expressed by Quebec staffing agency managers when it was implemented. And all of them tell stories that are close to situations that you have probably already experienced.


1. The “white label” web platform


What is it?


At the helm of his agency, Marc was determined to provide a quality user experience for his clients. Thanks to PRIM Logix, each of Marc’s clients has secure access to a digital platform. The platform is fully branded with Marc’s agency colours. All labels, user help texts and FAQs have been customised by Marc’s team.


On his web platform, the client can enter replacement requests, which will be forwarded to the agency. In the same way, clients and employees can enter the hours worked and send an electronic timesheet to the agency in a few clicks. If necessary, digital proofs can be added.


Is the client looking to recruit an employee on a permanent basis and participate in the candidate selection process? The web platform allows them to create a position, consult the CVs of the candidates received and proceed with the recruitment.


What has Marc’s agency gained from this?


Marc’s clients are actively involved in the staffing process. They can react quickly to any situation, without administrative delays. This time saving is attractive to clients, who can enter their requests and then consult the CV of the assigned candidate. Of course, this gain also benefits Marc’s employees, who are responsible for dispatching. Shifts are already created and ready to be filled.


Thanks to the time sheet management tool on the web platform, the client can quickly communicate the hours worked. This makes it easier for the agency’s employees to check the time sheets. They can then more quickly approve the candidates’ sheets and forward the request to the accounting department.


Finally, since Marc has customised the texts on the platform, he ensures an ideal user experience for everyone. It appeals to the tech-savvy and can provide step-by-step guidance for the less tech-savvy.


2. Automating notifications and reminders


Can we put technology to work in your routine operations?


Like Marc, Carole is responsible for an agency in the Quebec City area. Offering candidates the possibility to indicate and modify their availability on their web platform seemed like a good idea. But she wanted to be sure that her collaborators were informed of any changes. Similarly, she wanted the coordinators to be notified of any request made by a client on the platform. This was to ensure optimal follow-up.


Finally, the employees in charge of checking hours had to send reminder emails to airheaded candidates. We are talking about dozens of emails. Every week.


With a few clicks and a little configuration, the PRIM Logix team was able to set up automated alerts. From now on, any change in a user’s file on their web platform is notified to an employee of the agency. And reminder emails to candidates who have not submitted their timesheets are sent by the software.


How has this changed the lives of Carol’s employees?


Automating emailing frees up a lot of time for Carol’s teams. It also makes it much easier to keep track of communications. Even if the employee in charge of timesheets is absent that day, the system continues to work. When all processes are automated, the risk of errors and oversights is reduced. And with it, the risk of dissatisfaction on the part of applicants or clients.


Moreover, the implementation of process autonomy does not only free up time. It also frees up time that was previously taken up by administrative tasks with little added value. The time thus freed up can then be devoted to other activities with higher added value for the agency. The execution of these tasks gives Carole’s employees the feeling of having a job that has meaning. Carole’s whole team is more efficient and works in a fulfilling way.


3. Restrictions on access to confidential information


How to reconcile collaborative platforms and confidential data?


Data security is a crucial issue when it comes to digitalisation. A locked filing cabinet, such as a safe, seems at first sight more secure than a computer. But with the right tools, you can make your computer tamper-proof. And still retain the advantages of software that is shared by all employees. This is what Dominique did.


This manager of a large staffing agency on the North Shore was in a situation that many entrepreneurs will recognize. He wanted to protect both the confidential personal information of his employees and the accounting information of his clients. In addition, he needed to ensure that a malicious employee could not download critical data to his own account. But at the same time, each employee had to be able to do his or her job efficiently. And by reducing the use of paper files.


Following advanced training on setting up the security elements of the software, Dominique was able to implement an optimal architecture. Users have permissions and restrictions based on security groups. This concerns access to the software’s windows and its functionalities, such as data export or report generation. Similarly, the visibility of a field – the social insurance number for example – is also restricted to a specific security group. Finally, outgoing and incoming communications are encrypted with a specific security level. Any employee can therefore consult the communication history of a client or applicant. But what they can read is limited to the level of confidentiality defined by Dominique.


What difference has it made to the agency’s employees?


They have recognised a considerable time saving in accessing case information. And the agency’s operations have not been adversely affected by the introduction of teleworking. Dominique, for his part, no longer fears any data leakage.


The stress of forgetting a confidential document in the photocopier is now a distant memory. This is also the case for misfiled files, piles of paper overflowing desks and lost documents. PRIM Logix also acts as a customer relationship manager. It allows the employment agency to gather all the information it needs in one place. The dematerialisation of this information, centralised in a single tool, reduces the time wasted when it comes to searching. These processes even became crucial when Dominique’s agency adopted teleworking.


Indeed, this exceptional state is becoming a norm to be reckoned with  and is forcing companies to digitise their resources to make them accessible to everyone. And always in a secure manner.


4. Immediate and permanent interaction with the candidate


How do you stay close to your employees?


Bruno is a dynamic entrepreneur. He likes to keep abreast of new technologies and navigates the waves of the digital ocean without difficulty. Better still, he feels like a fish in water. His agency, of course, reflects this character trait.


He is very keen to establish a close relationship with his employees. And that means instant connection and regular communication. Bruno uses text messages, for example. Indeed, the opening rate of SMS messages is phenomenal : 98%, compared to only 20% for emails.


Thanks to the sending of shift proposals by SMS, it reaches all potential employees instantly. In addition, using a fully editable SMS template, Bruno uses sending variables to personalise each text message.


What are the gains for Bruno’s agency?


The adoption of digital practices allows Bruno to retain employees who are familiar with new technologies. Thanks to their dedicated digital space, they can consult new offers at any time and from anywhere, in real time. Indeed, the candidates’ web platform is accessible from a smartphone. This allows Bruno to maintain a direct link with them. Especially when you consider that the average user checks his or her smartphone 94 times a day .


On the platform, employees can leave a note for the agency. For example, a comment related to a proposed shift, or a note about the timesheet. This facilitates communication with the agency’s administrative staff. They have the details of a particular situation directly at their fingertips and can act on them. The savings in emails and phone calls are also time saving.


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