

This week, I am offering you a dive into the dictionary, through 16 words, directly or indirectly, from the vocabulary of temporary staffing and recruitment and which can be found in the use of PRIM Logix.


“Thought gains in precision what vocabulary gains in variety”
– Jacqueline de Romilly, member of the French Academy and first woman elected, at the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres.


The comfort of using a complete staffing solution depends on mastering its vocabulary. However, it is rich in expressions and nuances, as is the vocabulary specific to Human Resources. The short guide below presents the common lexicon of the key terms used by our temporary placement and recruitment software.


16 key terms to use PRIM Logix effectively.


Boolean operators: These are linking words (and, or…) or symbols (%…) allowing several search terms to be combined in a database. They are used to refine a search or filter results. PRIM Logix recruiting software takes them into account when comparing the criteria of an application with those of available candidates.


Candidate : Dans son logiciel de recrutement, PRIM Logix considère le candidat comme la personne qui sera affectée à un remplacement ou un poste et se distingue ainsi du client.


Client : PRIM Logix distinguishes three types of customers: requester, receiver, and payer. The requesting client is the one who makes the request for assignment to the permanent or temporary staffing agency. The receiving client is the entity to which the assignment is addressed, for example in the case of home care services. Finally, the paying client is the one to whom the invoice will be sent.


Criteria : The criteria of a candidate, a client or a request are the salient points essential to the good functioning of a personnel recruitment software such as PRIM Logix. Defined by the customer for each request, they include parameters such as language, function, place of work, or level of education. These parameters, defined as “mandatory” or as “assets”, will be queried by the software to find the candidate who best matches all these criteria.


Curriculum vitae : Did you know that, thanks to its advanced CV analysis function, PRIM Logix can process up to 5 candidate CVs at once, and create as many pre-completed files? In addition, PRIM Logix allows the editing of a formatted CV for each of the candidates registered in the database. Thus, the temporary or permanent staffing agency can provide all its clients with CVs built according to the same model and which allow a rapid and in-depth study of each of them, as well as an easy comparison between several candidates.


Group replacement: Within PRIM Logix, group replacement is a recurring or one-off request, for a short or a long period. This is a set of several replacements of the same type, linked by the same number and generally intended for a single candidate.


Helpdesk: The PRIM Logix Helpdesk Center automates the creation of a task upon receipt of a request for assistance. By logging in to the support platform, the employee of the temporary or permanent staffing agency can inform their need for assistance in a few clicks.


Information/Ranking/Criteria: The “Info / Ranking / Criteria” tab gathers information on the candidate or the client, for example, the region of work or the language. It is by crossing the tabs of the candidate file and the client file that the PRIM Logix recruitment software finds matches to assign candidates to client requests.

In the candidate file, the information under this tab comes from:

  • Elements extracted from the automated analysis of the CV, either by the employee of the temporary or permanent staffing agency, or by adding the document by the candidate when registering on the Web platform.
  • Elements extracted using the Q-Link functionality.
  • Manual entry of information when creating the candidate’s file.


Jobboard: PRIM Logix facilitates the posting of positions and certain replacements on these platforms, as well as on the agency’s own jobboard, on which the candidate can consult the detailed description of the assignment and express his interest in it.


Job offer: Did you know that you can easily share a job posting generated by PRIM Logix on your social networks? In fact, when an offer is created on the job board, all you have to do is share the mission-specific URL on your platforms to allow your audiences to consult it with a single click.


Position: Within PRIM Logix, a position is a permanent demand with a placement process where the candidate becomes an employee of the client. The candidate’s pay becomes the responsibility of the client. PRIM offers two options, depending on whether the position is managed by the agency or by the client from the web platform.


Preferences: Within the PRIM Logix recruitment software, preferences relate to the relationships established between candidates and clients of the temporary or permanent staffing agency. Some of these relationships update automatically, for example when a candidate performs an assignment with a client. Others reflect the willingness of one or the other to work together or not. The consideration of preferences by PRIM Logix makes it possible to refine the search results and obtain, in the blink of an eye, an inventory of the relationship between a client and a candidate.


Q-Link : The Q-Link module is a recruiting tool developed by the PRIM Logix software team. Working with the Chrome browser, it allows instant analysis of a candidate’s profile on the LinkedIn social network to extract the information allowing to quickly propose an offer replacement and to create, if necessary, a pre-completed candidate file. .


Replacement: Within PRIM Logix, A replacement is a one-off and temporary request, for a day or a shift. The replacement can consist of a single shift or have a recurrence over a longer or shorter period. In addition, the PRIM Logix recruitment software also considers the creation of group replacements within the same request.


Security: The security of candidates’ personal data is a mainstay of the developers of the PRIM Logix recruiting software. Thus, in addition to using an advanced encryption method for the passwords of each user, the software also makes it possible to filter access authorizations and information editing by a system of security groups. The PRIM Logix recruitment software system administrator within the temporary and permanent staffing agency can thus define, for each user, a level of access to information deemed “sensitive”.


Web platform (or PRIM Web): PRIM Logix allows the provision to the candidate and the client of the temporary and permanent staffing agency of several web services through a platform managed by the agency. Communication, consultation, or publication of offers, or even information on the hours worked: web platforms are directly linked to PRIM Logix and give both more control to candidates and clients, but also more flexibility to employees of placement.


Want to know more about our recruiting software?


PRIM Logix is more than recruiting software – it is a complete solution spanning the entire hiring lifecycle. Consult our professional services to know the extent of our fields of expertise. Or contact us to let us know your needs: we will certainly have an answer for you!


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