
Within an employment agency, it is an organization set up with a single objective: to compensate the needs of the client companies by finding the candidate adapted to a particular request. To do this, many actors come into play, including dispatchers.


These database of professionals aim to find, through a list of criteria imposed by the client, the candidate who will best match the needs of the company. But be careful, it’s not that simple! Here are the main qualities that a good dispatcher must present.


Reactivity and effectiveness


In some cases, for example in temporary staffing situations, the reactivity of the dispatcher is one of the most important criteria. Indeed, temporary staffing can mostly correspond to replacement, for which it is urgent to find the right candidate as soon as possible.


An organized dispatcher


Often, dispatchers within an employment agency have multiple files to process at the same time. It is therefore essential to show a great concentration and an infallible organization so as not to confuse the different requests, the different criteria, or the names of the candidates corresponding to one application or another.


To make its search in the candidate database efficient, the dispatcher must have a perfect understanding of the software used. Indeed, several techniques exist to facilitate the research work of the dispatchers, in order to highlight the relevant profiles corresponding to the criteria, and it is thanks to the experience that a good dispatcher can make each search more efficient and faster than the previous.


Understanding and good analysis


Clearly, to meet the needs of a client company, it is necessary to understand exactly what it is looking for. The dispatcher must therefore perfectly assimilate the criteria that the candidate must present. This may seem obvious, but it is not always easy to make the difference between the objective qualities of a candidate and the criteria demanded by the client.


Presenting human qualities


Beyond the qualities of organization and reactivity that the dispatcher must present to be effective, human qualities are a considerable advantage. It should not be forgotten that these are not products, or even simple profiles with which the dispatcher deals, but real people, looking for a job. Respect, fairness, understanding are therefore essential qualities of a good dispatcher in employment agency.


Finally, the perfect distributor must of course have relational qualities, since even if he does not phone all the candidates who meet the criteria, the contact will be made by Skype, e-mail or SMS, an ease to communicate whatever the Medium is therefore required by a good distributor.


So it’s not so easy to be a good dispatcher. To combine all these qualities while being the most effective possible is a real challenge of every day. Leave us your comments or comments on this in the comments section!


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