
The question of the influence of new technologies on humans is an eternal debate. In the area of staffing, the question is such that one wonders whether the use of technologies humanizes or dehumanizes the process.


Indeed, technological change is not in itself a threat, it all depends on how it is used.


Putting Ethics Before Practice


The automation of the staffing process favors the selection of qualified candidates and perfectly matches the criteria of a given position. So far so good. But what about the equally competent candidates who have gone through the system ?


Common staffing practices are, to a certain extent, effective, but can sometimes miss out on a truly qualitative selection from a human point of view. Thus, the efficiency of the process is favored to the detriment of the candidate experience.


As we know, the career path of a job seeker is not so simple and some may feel helpless. The PRIM software offers features allowing recruiters to consider more personal criteria of each candidate and thus humanize the placement process more. To do this, it takes into account the personal preferences of the candidate (special requests, interests, level of satisfaction after being placed etc.). This allows for a greater perspective on the potential of the candidate without considering coldly and only the technical skills.


These parameters result in a more relevant and attractive placement for both the candidate and the client company.

Adapting to the Digital Age


The development of new technologies is about to profoundly change our ways of life as well as our ways of communicating and exchanging with each other.


Faced with the digitization of our societies and the increasingly precise requirements of companies, the place of the individual in staffing seems to be restricted. And thinking that it would take more technology than human in the staffing environment is not a good idea. The reverse will not give an optimal result either. A balanced mix of the two would be ideal, that is to say that we need both the technological efficiency and the capacity for human judgment.


The humanization of the staffing process does not involve reducing the use of technologies, but rather improving the candidate experience. This includes, among other things, the introduction of user-oriented software that focuses on optimizing exchanges between staffing agencies and candidates.


Do think the staffing process is fairly human ? Share your opinion on the issue, we will be pleased to discuss it with you.


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